

“Practicing gratitude is how we acknowledge that there’s enough and we’re enough.”- Brene Brown


Being grateful is something I have always struggled with doing, making it a physical action in my day. Not that I’m not grateful, not that I don’t say “Thank you” or “I appreciate you”, but to take 5, 10 minutes out of my day to think about all of the amazing things that are part of my life and just give a little bit of love to the universe for them.

So, today, I’m starting a movement. #GratiTuesday. Every Tuesday, I’m going to talk about one thing that I am grateful for in my life. 52 amazing things in a year. You tell me, what are you grateful for today?

Today’s grateful for: Life. That I am alive today. I can’t go into all of the details, but 16 years ago, I became part of a statistic. I became one of the ones who survived. So, today, I am thankful for life.

What are you grateful for?